Online Landlord Biz Review (2023): Scam or Legit?

In the ever-evolving landscape of online business opportunities, Online Landlord Biz has emerged as a potential avenue to make money as a digital landlord. Promising passive income through lead generation and leveraging online assets, this course by Sean Kochel and Josh Osborne has garnered attention and interest. But is it a golden opportunity or just another rehashed venture? 

In this in-depth review, we’ll delve into the specifics of Online Landlord Biz, examining its creators, content, pricing, and the experiences of its students. 

So, let’s dive in and explore whether Online Landlord Biz truly lives up to its promises.

What is Online Landlord Biz?

Online Landlord Biz is an ad-lead generation course that aims to turn individuals into digital landlords, owning internet properties that rank high on search engines and attract online traffic to their digital storefronts. The course teaches students how to monetize these digital assets through SEO tactics or paid advertising. 

The allure lies in the potential to own virtual entities of value, which can lead to a passive income stream. From websites and social media accounts to email lists, these digital properties hold the promise of financial success without the headaches of traditional real estate investing.

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Who Created Online Landlord Biz?

Online Landlord Biz is the brainchild of Sean Kochel, a 30-year-old media buyer and 7-figure agency owner, and Josh Osborne, a self-made millionaire and digital marketing expert. Both experienced entrepreneurs, they have successfully navigated the online business world and claim to possess the knowledge and expertise to guide others to financial freedom. 

Sean specializes in leveraging platforms like Google, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat, while Josh, who started from humble beginnings, has achieved considerable wealth through his digital marketing ventures.

Who Created Online Landlord Biz

How Does Online Landlord Biz Help You Make Money?

Online Landlord Biz offers a 34-minute pre-recorded sales pitch, presenting a framework for creating ad campaigns using ‘one-page landers’ to generate leads for local businesses. The core idea is to build digital assets, such as websites and landing pages, and rank them high on search engines. By providing valuable leads to businesses, students can generate income through monthly payments from clients, akin to rent in traditional real estate.

The course covers various aspects of setting up and managing such a business, including sales training, Facebook and Google Ads strategies, pre-built landing pages, and more. The promise is that these templates and done-for-you campaigns will streamline the process and enable students to build their businesses quickly.

Learn more: legit ways to make money online.

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Who is Online Landlord Biz For?

Online Landlord Biz is marketed as an opportunity for individuals looking to make money online, particularly those interested in lead generation and paid advertising. The course targets those who wish to run their own businesses with the potential for passive income. However, as with any online venture, it is crucial for aspiring students to possess a strong work ethic, dedication, and a willingness to learn and implement the strategies taught in the course.

How Much Does Online Landlord Biz Cost?

Determining the cost of Online Landlord Biz requires getting on a sales call with one of the course coaches. According to a Reddit post, the price can range up to $1,500, with promises of potential earnings up to $10,000 within three months. However, it’s essential to approach such claims with caution, as individual results may vary significantly.

Are Students of Online Landlord Biz Getting Results?

The ultimate measure of any course’s success lies in the experiences of its students. To determine whether Online Landlord Biz delivers on its promises, we scoured various online platforms, social media, and forums to gain insights from real users.

While there are success stories from individuals claiming to have found success with the strategies taught in the course, it is vital to remember that not every student may achieve the same results. Success in the online business world often hinges on various factors, including individual dedication, work ethic, market demand, and timing.

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Is Online Landlord Biz a Scam?

One of the primary concerns when evaluating any online course is the legitimacy of its claims. Online Landlord Biz is not exempt from skepticism, as some critics argue that it offers rebranded content from Sean Kochel’s Social Ad Tribe course and Josh Osborne’s BAM coaching program.

It’s crucial to approach such claims with an open mind and conduct thorough research before making any decisions. While some similarities in course content may exist, Online Landlord Biz still presents an opportunity to learn valuable skills and potentially earn a passive income. However, students should be wary of any course that promises get-rich-quick schemes or guaranteed results without effort.

Online Landlord Biz Review on Reddit


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Praises About Online Landlord Biz

  • Potential for Passive Income: Online Landlord Biz offers the potential to generate passive income through lead generation and online asset ownership, making it an attractive opportunity for those seeking financial freedom.
  • Expert Creators: The course is created by Sean Kochel and Josh Osborne, experienced entrepreneurs with a track record of success in the online business and digital marketing space.
  • Focus on Lead Generation: The course emphasizes lead generation for local businesses, providing valuable skills that can be applied to various online ventures.
  • Done-for-You Templates and Campaigns: The availability of pre-built landing pages and ad campaigns simplifies the process for students, enabling them to quickly set up their digital businesses.
  • Ongoing Support: Online Landlord Biz offers live calls hosted by the creators, providing ongoing support and guidance to students.

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Criticisms About Online Landlord Biz

  • Questionable Originality: Critics argue that the course may not offer entirely new content and could resemble previous courses by the same creators, raising concerns about its originality and value for previous students.
  • Uncertain Pricing: The cost of the course is not readily available and requires a sales call, leading to uncertainty and skepticism about the pricing structure.
  • Unrealistic Promises: Some detractors caution against the promises of quick riches and emphasize the need for hard work and dedication in the competitive online business world.
  • Individual Results May Vary: Success in online entrepreneurship is not guaranteed, and student experiences and outcomes may vary based on factors such as commitment and market demand.
  • Potential Rehashed Content: There are claims that the course may contain rebranded content from previous courses, leading to questions about the course’s value for individuals already familiar with the creators’ other programs.

Should You Join Online Landlord Biz?

Deciding whether to join Online Landlord Biz is a critical decision that requires careful consideration. While the course presents an opportunity to learn valuable skills and potentially generate passive income, it’s essential to be cautious of unrealistic promises and thoroughly research the course’s content and testimonials.

For individuals genuinely interested in lead generation and paid advertising, Online Landlord Biz may offer valuable insights and strategies to build a successful online business. However, if you have already invested in similar courses offered by Sean Kochel and Josh Osborne, you may want to carefully assess whether the content is genuinely new and worth the additional investment.

Ultimately, success in the online business world is not guaranteed, and individual results may vary. Before enrolling in Online Landlord Biz or any course, take the time to evaluate your goals, commitment, and willingness to put in the effort required to achieve success in the digital landlord space. Remember that while a course can provide valuable knowledge, your success ultimately depends on your dedication, hard work, and adaptability in the dynamic and competitive online business landscape.

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